

Context Access to agricultural opportunities is one of the major challenges facing young agricultural professionals in the ACP (Africa-Caribbean and Pacific) countries. It is very easy to see that opportunities exist and are communicated in several languages. Opportunity4Young was mainly initiated by CASAD to focus on access to information, opportunities…

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PROFEIG is a four-year action research project to promote farmer innovation and thus contribute to food security and conservation of resources. The project will explore how anchoring research and outreach within local communities can enable positive and constructive exchange of experiences and knowledge among researchers, extension workers and farmers. It…

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The right to health, clearly stipulated in Articles 8 and 26 of the Constitution of 11 December 1990, is a major issue for the development of Benin. Despite progress in prevention and treatment, national health statistics show that the prevalence of HIV / AIDS remains high among people aged 15-49,…

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Context Youth unemployment is a challenge that governments tend to face. The mismatch between training and market demand means that the number of unemployed youth is increasing day by day. According to the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Analysis (INSAE), only twenty-two point two percent (21.2%) of young people…

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The members of the multi actor platform exchange with a special correspondent of the PROLINNOVA INTERNATIONAL network at the Hotel du Lac.

The members of the multi actor platform exchange with a special correspondent of the PROLINNOVA INTERNATIONAL network at the Hotel du Lac.

The Action Center for Food Security and Sustainable Development (CASAD) launched a multi-stakeholder platform for the promotion of farmers’ innovations in ecological agriculture and natural resource management in January 2016 in Glazoué, a town in central Benin. In this context, CASAD has taken the necessary steps with Prolinnova International to…

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